Urban social movements represent complex networks of relationships between heterogeneous actors who coordinate collective action through multiple types of ties (Diani, 2015). However, not all movement activity carries the same risks and costs for participants. The conflict over Peñalolén’s Master Plan in 2011 provides an exemplary case to analyze how multiplex networks facilitate high-risk activism and enable broad coalition formation among diverse urban actors despite significant personal and organizational costs.
Theoretical Framework
Networks and High-Risk Activism
Our analysis integrates three complementary theoretical perspectives: social movement networks, contentious politics, and high-risk activism. From a network perspective, movements emerge from dense webs of multiplex relationships that facilitate resource mobilization and sustain collective identities (Diani and McAdam 2003; Mische 2003). These networks serve both instrumental and symbolic functions - channeling resources while also cultivating shared interpretive frames (Passy and Giugni 2001).
The contentious politics approach emphasizes how political opportunities and threats trigger episodes of contention through mechanisms like boundary activation and polarization (McAdam, Tarrow, and Tilly 2001; Tilly and Tarrow 2015). These mechanisms operate through relational processes of brokerage and scale shift that connect previously disparate actors into broader coalitions (Tarrow 2005).
However, McAdam (1986) demonstrates that participation in high-risk activism - defined by significant personal costs, potential for repression, and sustained commitment - follows distinct pathways requiring both strong ideological identification and integration into activist networks. In Peñalolén, opposing the Master Plan represented high-risk activism because organizations faced potential repression, required significant resource commitments, and depended on maintaining costly coalitions.
Biographical Availability and Network Integration
Following McAdam (1986), we argue that “biographical availability” - the absence of constraints that increase participation costs - shapes involvement at both individual and organizational levels. This interacts with Gould’s (1991) conception of tie multiplexity as a fundamental mechanism that:
- Generates structural resistance to demobilization
- Facilitates coordination between diverse actors
- Produces mutual reinforcement between different types of relationships
At the micro level, multiple ties between specific organizations reinforce commitments and reduce uncertainty in interactions (Baldassarri & Diani, 2007). At the macro level, multiplexity increases overall network robustness and enables the integration of different organizational clusters while sustaining broader collective identities (Diani 2015).
Boundary Mechanisms and Movement Evolution
Drawing on Tilly (2004), we analyze how boundary change mechanisms shape movement dynamics through:
- Inscription-Erasure: The creation/dissolution of social boundaries
- Activation-Deactivation: Changes in the salience of existing boundaries
- Site Transfer: Relocation of actors relative to boundaries
- Relocation: Shifts in boundary-organizing relations
These mechanisms interact with network structures and biographical availability to shape patterns of diffusion and coalition formation (Tilly and Tarrow 2015).
Complex Diffusion and Strong Ties
Recent work on complex contagion demonstrates that the spread of contentious behaviors through networks depends on:
- Multiple exposures through redundant ties (Centola and Macy 2007)
- Local clustering that provides social reinforcement (Centola 2018)
- Strong ties that sustain costly forms of activism (McAdam and Paulsen 1993)
However, McAdam (1986) suggests that strong ties matter more than multiple weak ties for high-risk activism, and that integration into activist networks reduces uncertainty about participation costs.
Building on this integrated framework, we propose four hypotheses:
H1: Network Structure and Biographical Availability
- Network formation will exhibit significant transitivity (GWESP)
- Organizations with fewer constraints will show higher degree centrality
- Prior activism history will moderate structural position effects
H2: Differentiated Tie Effects
- Strong ties will have greater impact than multiple weak ties
- Trust/values ties will show stronger effects than instrumental ties
- Biographical availability will moderate tie multiplexity effects
H3: Strategic Integration
- Multiple ties increase adoption probability more for constrained organizations
- Integration into activist networks reduces the effect of organizational constraints
- Core-periphery structures emerge from differential biographical availability
H4: Complex Diffusion
- Adoption requires exposure through multiple strong ties
- Local clustering amplifies the effect of strong ties
- Prior activism creates different adoption thresholds
- Temporal dynamics show punctuated rather than gradual adoption
Data and Methods
Research Design
We employ a mixed-methods design (Domínguez and Hollstein 2014) combining social network analysis with qualitative contextual data. Our approach conceptualizes relational structure as a multidimensional space of social positions in which population members are non-randomly distributed (Scott 2011).
Data Collection
Data was collected during 2017-2018 through:
- Network Surveys (N=31)
- Name generator limited to 5 nominations
- Multiple tie types
- Organizational attributes
- In-depth Interviews (N=12)
- Key informants
- Conflict history
- Coordination dynamics
- Documentary Sources
- Local press coverage
- Organizational documents
- Meeting minutes
The sampling strategy combined:
- Initial identification of organization types
- Snowball sampling until saturation (40% name repetition)
- Secondary source validation
Networks and Attributes
We analyze five types of ties between 70 organizations:
- Cooperation (joint activities)
- Trust (historical bonds)
- Resources (material support)
- Values (interpretive frames)
- Kinship (family ties)
Important methodological limitations include:
- Temporal bias from retrospective data collection
- Potential underrepresentation of peripheral actors
- Artificial cap on nominations (5)
- Difficulty capturing tie intensity
Estrategia Analítica
- Análisis Descriptivo:
- Medidas de centralidad
- Detección de bloques
- Análisis de multiplexidad
- Modelación ERGM:
- Efectos estructurales
- Homofilia condicional
- Interacción entre vínculos
- Modelo de Difusión:
- Contagio complejo
- Umbrales heterogéneos
- Efectos de estructura local
# Leer y preparar las matrices
<- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/CoopNet.csv", header=FALSE))
coop_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/ConfianzaNet.csv", header=FALSE))
trust_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/RecursosNet.csv", header=FALSE))
resources_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/ValoresNet.csv", header=FALSE))
values_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/ParentescoNet.csv", header=FALSE))
# Leer atributos
<- read.csv("datos/Atributos _org2011.csv", header=TRUE)
# Verificar si las redes son dirigidas
<- list(
is_directed Cooperacion = !isSymmetric(coop_matrix),
Confianza = !isSymmetric(trust_matrix),
Recursos = !isSymmetric(resources_matrix),
Valores = !isSymmetric(values_matrix),
Parentesco = !isSymmetric(parentesco_matrix)
print("Verificación de direccionalidad de las redes:")
[1] "Verificación de direccionalidad de las redes:"
Cooperacion Confianza Recursos Valores Parentesco
# Lista de todas las matrices para análisis
<- list(
matrices_list Cooperacion = coop_matrix,
Confianza = trust_matrix,
Recursos = resources_matrix,
Valores = values_matrix,
Parentesco = parentesco_matrix
map_lgl(matrices_list, is.matrix)
Cooperacion Confianza Recursos Valores Parentesco
map_lgl(matrices_list, function(x) nrow(x) == ncol(x))
Cooperacion Confianza Recursos Valores Parentesco
print("\nEstadísticas descriptivas de las redes:")
[1] "\nEstadísticas descriptivas de las redes:"
map_dfr(matrices_list, function(x) {
<- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode="directed")
g tibble(
Densidad = edge_density(g),
N_lazos = sum(x),
N_nodos_activos = sum(rowSums(x) > 0),
Reciprocidad = reciprocity(g),
Transitivity = transitivity(g),
Componentes = count_components(g),
Diametro = diameter(g, directed=TRUE, weights=NA)
).id = "Red") %>%
}, kbl() %>%
kable_paper("hover", full_width = T)
Red | Densidad | N_lazos | N_nodos_activos | Reciprocidad | Transitivity | Componentes | Diametro |
Cooperacion | 0.0291925 | 141 | 32 | 0.4397163 | 0.3434705 | 11 | 8 |
Confianza | 0.0260870 | 126 | 30 | 0.3492063 | 0.3807692 | 15 | 7 |
Recursos | 0.0198758 | 96 | 28 | 0.2291667 | 0.2601626 | 18 | 7 |
Valores | 0.0271222 | 131 | 30 | 0.4427481 | 0.3306122 | 12 | 8 |
Parentesco | 0.0095238 | 46 | 17 | 0.3043478 | 0.2553191 | 41 | 4 |
Network Structure and Organizational Field
Our analysis of network structure reveals a clear organizational field configuration characterized by differential density patterns across network types. These patterns suggest a hierarchical integration of the field, where:
Political Organizations Dominance:
- MPL (Movimiento de Pobladores en Lucha) shows highest indegree (13)
- OCAP (Organización política de base) follows with high centrality (7)
- Housing committees (CV_BrillaElSol) maintain significant positions (6)
[Quote opportunity: MPL leader discussing their role in coordinating different organizations]
# Crear objeto network con atributos
<- network(coop_matrix, directed=TRUE)
# Agregar atributos a la red
%v% "tipo" <- attributes$Tipo_de_organización
net_coop %v% "ubicacion" <- attributes$Ubicación
net_coop %v% "orientacion" <- attributes$Orientación
# Calcular medidas de centralidad
<- data.frame(
cent_df Organizacion = attributes$Nombre,
Tipo = attributes$Tipo_de_organización,
Orientacion = attributes$Orientación,
# Centralidades
Degree = sna::degree(net_coop, gmode="digraph"),
Indegree = sna::degree(net_coop, gmode="digraph", cmode="indegree"),
Outdegree = sna::degree(net_coop, gmode="digraph", cmode="outdegree"),
Betweenness = sna::betweenness(net_coop),
Eigenvector = sna::evcent(net_coop)
# Top 10 actores más centrales según diferentes medidas
print("Top 10 actores según Indegree:")
[1] "Top 10 actores según Indegree:"
cent_df arrange(desc(Indegree)) %>%
select(Organizacion, Tipo, Indegree) %>%
head(10) %>%
kbl() %>%
kable_paper("hover", full_width = T)
Organizacion | Tipo | Indegree |
OPP_MPL | Organización política de pobladores | 13 |
OPB_OCAP | Organización política de base | 7 |
CV_BrillaElSol | Comité de vivienda | 6 |
OC_RAP | Organización cultural | 6 |
OC_Murgarte | Organización cultural | 5 |
OPB_AlexLemún | Organización política de base | 5 |
OPB_RIP | Organización política de base | 5 |
OPB_CristoJoven | Organización política de base | 4 |
OPP_MUA | Organización política de pobladores | 4 |
OV_JJVV_n°19_Bolivar | Organización vecinal | 4 |
print("\nTop 10 actores según Betweenness:")
[1] "\nTop 10 actores según Betweenness:"
cent_df arrange(desc(Betweenness)) %>%
select(Organizacion, Tipo, Betweenness) %>%
head(10) %>%
kbl() %>%
kable_paper("hover", full_width = T)
Organizacion | Tipo | Betweenness |
OPP_MPL | Organización política de pobladores | 497.7976 |
OV_JJVV_ComunidadEcológica | Organización vecinal | 385.0000 |
CV_LosColgados | Comité de vivienda | 337.7976 |
OPB_RIP | Organización política de base | 218.9643 |
Gob_Mun | Otros | 199.0000 |
OPB_AlexLemún | Organización política de base | 198.4405 |
CV_BrillaElSol | Comité de vivienda | 176.3214 |
OPB_OCAP | Organización política de base | 134.9405 |
OPP_MUA | Organización política de pobladores | 125.4881 |
OPB_CristoJoven | Organización política de base | 113.5714 |
# Análisis de centralidad por tipo de organización
<- cent_df %>%
cent_by_type group_by(Tipo) %>%
Mean_Indegree = mean(Indegree),
Mean_Betweenness = mean(Betweenness),
N = n()
print("\nCentralidad promedio por tipo de organización:")
[1] "\nCentralidad promedio por tipo de organización:"
cent_by_type kbl() %>%
kable_paper("hover", full_width = T)
Tipo | Mean_Indegree | Mean_Betweenness | N |
Club deportivo | 0.750000 | 0.00000 | 4 |
Comité de vivienda | 2.444444 | 60.16138 | 9 |
Organización cultural | 1.923077 | 24.18498 | 13 |
Organización política de base | 4.166667 | 119.85119 | 6 |
Organización política de pobladores | 4.333333 | 126.24008 | 6 |
Organización vecinal | 1.111111 | 22.11464 | 27 |
Otros | 2.000000 | 51.90000 | 5 |
Structural Differentiation: Core political organizations average higher betweenness centrality (119.85 for political base organizations, 126.24 for pobladores organizations) compared to neighborhood organizations (22.11).
Equivalencia estructural
The CONCOR analysis identified four distinct blocks:
Political-Strategic Block (18 organizations):
- 9 Housing Committees
- 4 Cultural Organizations
- 4 Sports Clubs
- 1 Municipal Actor
Cultural-Tactical Block (13 organizations):
- 8 Cultural Organizations
- 1 Political Base Organization
- 4 Others
Base Organization Block (14 organizations):
- 6 Pobladores Organizations
- 5 Base Political Organizations
- 3 Neighborhood Organizations
Neighborhood Block (15 organizations):
- Exclusively neighborhood organizations
[Quote opportunity: Description of different organizational roles in the movement]
# Leer datos
<- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/CoopNet.csv", header=FALSE))
coop_matrix <- read.csv("datos/Atributos _org2011.csv", header=TRUE)
# Realizar CONCOR
<- concor(list(coop_matrix), cutoff=0.8, nsplit=2)
# Ver composición de los bloques
for(i in 1:4) {
cat(paste("\n\nBLOQUE", i, "\n"))
<- attributes[bloques == i, ]
organizaciones print(table(organizaciones$Tipo))
cat("\nOrganizaciones específicas:\n")
2 5 6 7
9 4 4 1
Organizaciones específicas:
[1] "CD_AvanceDeCarvallo" "CD_CristoJovén"
[3] "CD_RealHéroes" "CD_SanLuisDelElqui"
[5] "CV_BrillaElSol" "CV_CaminoALaVictoria"
[7] "CV_CasaDigna" "CV_CoordAllegados"
[9] "CV_LosColgados" "CV_PasoSeguro"
[11] "CV_PorUnaVidaMejor" "CV_UnaEsperanzaEnElFuturo"
[13] "CV_volverAEmpezar" "Gob_Mun"
[15] "OC_ ClubCientífico" "OC_Barracón"
[17] "OC_CircoChino" "OC_EncuentroAndino"
4 5 7
1 8 4
Organizaciones específicas:
[1] "OC_GenteDelSur" "OC_ManzoPiño"
[3] "OC_Murgarte" "OC_PasiónPorMiTierra"
[5] "OC_PorLaMemoriaHistórica" "OC_RadioEncuentro(tv8)"
[7] "OC_RAP" "OC_Yanawara"
[9] "OG_ColegioDeArquitectos" "ONG_DefendamosLaCiudad"
[11] "ONG_PACc" "OP_AsociaciónMicrobuseros"
[13] "OPB_AlexLemún"
1 3 4
3 6 5
Organizaciones específicas:
[1] "OPB_CristoJoven" "OPB_GrfemAuto"
[3] "OPB_OCAP" "OPB_RecupHermida"
[11] "OPP_PIgualdad" "OV_AP_LosJardinesDeVespucio"
[13] "OV_CD_ReactivaciónEnMasas" "OV_CD_VillaSolNaciente"
Organizaciones específicas:
[1] "OV_ComSeguridadSM" "OV_CVD_VillaAlboradaNuevaPalena"
[3] "OV_JI_ManosyNaturaleza" "OV_JJVV_ComunidadEcológica"
[5] "OV_JJVV_CordilleraNevada" "OV_JJVV_LaCordillera"
[7] "OV_JJVV_n°11_LaFaena" "OV_JJVV_n°12_LaFaena"
[9] "OV_JJVV_n°14_Parque1" "OV_JJVV_n°17_IsabelRiquelme"
[11] "OV_JJVV_n°18" "OV_JJVV_n°19_Bolivar"
[13] "OV_JJVV_n°19_Heroes" "OV_JJVV_n°29_LoHerAlto"
[15] "OV_JJVV_PortalDelSol"
# Calcular densidades entre bloques
<- matrix(0, 4, 4)
block_density for(i in 1:4) {
for(j in 1:4) {
<- which(bloques == i)
nodes_i <- which(bloques == j)
nodes_j if(length(nodes_i) > 0 && length(nodes_j) > 0) {
<- sum(coop_matrix[nodes_i, nodes_j]) /
block_density[i,j] length(nodes_i) * length(nodes_j))
# Mostrar densidades
cat("\n\nDensidad entre bloques:\n")
Densidad entre bloques:
print(round(block_density, 3))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.056 0.009 0.044 0.022
[2,] 0.000 0.077 0.033 0.026
[3,] 0.048 0.044 0.112 0.010
[4,] 0.007 0.026 0.024 0.036
# Calcular cohesión de bloques
for(i in 1:4) {
cat(paste("\n\nCohesión Bloque", i, "\n"))
<- block_density[i,i]
internal <- mean(block_density[i,-i])
external <- (external - internal)/(external + internal)
ei_index cat(paste("Densidad interna:", round(internal, 3), "\n"))
cat(paste("Densidad externa media:", round(external, 3), "\n"))
cat(paste("Índice E-I:", round(ei_index, 3), "\n"))
Cohesión Bloque 1
Densidad interna: 0.056
Densidad externa media: 0.025
Índice E-I: -0.383
Cohesión Bloque 2
Densidad interna: 0.077
Densidad externa media: 0.02
Índice E-I: -0.595
Cohesión Bloque 3
Densidad interna: 0.112
Densidad externa media: 0.034
Índice E-I: -0.538
Cohesión Bloque 4
Densidad interna: 0.036
Densidad externa media: 0.019
Índice E-I: -0.305
# 1. Preparar datos para el heatmap de densidades entre bloques
<- expand.grid(
density_df from = factor(1:4, labels = paste("Bloque", 1:4)),
to = factor(1:4, labels = paste("Bloque", 1:4))
) mutate(density = as.vector(block_density))
# 2. Preparar datos para la composición de bloques
<- data.frame(
composicion_bloques Bloque = rep(1:4, c(18, 13, 14, 15)),
Tipo = c(
rep(c("Comite Vivienda","Org. Cultural","Club Deportivo","Gob. Municipal"), c(9,4,4,1)), # Bloque 1
rep(c("Org. Política Base","Org. Cultural","Otros"), c(1,8,4)), # Bloque 2
rep(c("Org. Vecinal","Org. Política Pobladores","Org. Política Base"), c(3,6,5)), # Bloque 3
rep("Org. vecinal", 15) # Bloque 4
# 3. Preparar datos para métricas de cohesión
<- data.frame(
cohesion_df Bloque = factor(1:4, labels = paste("Bloque", 1:4)),
Densidad_interna = diag(block_density),
Densidad_externa = sapply(1:4, function(i) mean(block_density[i,-i])),
EI_index = sapply(1:4, function(i) {
<- block_density[i,i]
internal <- mean(block_density[i,-i])
external - internal)/(external + internal)
) pivot_longer(cols = -Bloque,
names_to = "Metrica",
values_to = "Valor")
# Crear las visualizaciones
# 1. Heatmap de densidades
<- ggplot(density_df, aes(x = from, y = to, fill = density)) +
p1 geom_tile() +
scale_fill_viridis() +
labs(title = "Densidad entre Bloques",
x = "Bloque Origen",
y = "Bloque Destino",
fill = "Densidad") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# 2. Composición de bloques
<- ggplot(composicion_bloques, aes(x = factor(Bloque), fill = Tipo)) +
p2 geom_bar(position = "fill") +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
labs(title = "Composición de Bloques",
x = "Bloque",
y = "Proporción",
fill = "Tipo de Organización") +
# 3. Métricas de cohesión
<- ggplot(cohesion_df, aes(x = Bloque, y = Valor, fill = Metrica)) +
p3 geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
labs(title = "Métricas de Cohesión por Bloque",
x = "Bloque",
y = "Valor",
fill = "Métrica") +
# Convertir a plotly
<- ggplotly(p1)
p1_plotly <- ggplotly(p2)
p2_plotly <- ggplotly(p3)
# Mostrar los plots
# Create multiplex network
<- coop_matrix * 0.3 +
multiplex_matrix * 0.3 +
trust_matrix * 0.2 +
resources_matrix * 0.2
# Create graph
<- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(multiplex_matrix, mode="directed", weighted=TRUE)
# Add vertex attributes using existing data
V(g)$degree <- igraph::degree(g)
V(g)$betweenness <- igraph::betweenness(g)
V(g)$eigenvector <- eigen_centrality(g)$vector
V(g)$block <- attributes$X1PosciónCONCOR
V(g)$type <- attributes$Tipo_de_organización
V(g)$orientation <- attributes$Orientación
V(g)$nombre <- attributes$Nombre
# Add edge attributes
<- as_edgelist(g)
edge_list E(g)$block_tie <- ifelse(
V(g)$block[edge_list[,1]] == V(g)$block[edge_list[,2]],
paste0("Block", V(g)$block[edge_list[,1]]),
# Network plot with ggraph
<- ggraph(g, layout = "fr") +
p1 geom_edge_link(aes(alpha = ifelse(V(g)$block[from] == V(g)$block[to], 0.6, 0.2)),
color = "black",
arrow = arrow(length = unit(2, 'mm'))) +
geom_node_point(aes(size = betweenness,
color = as.factor(block)),
alpha = 0.7) +
geom_node_label(aes(label = ifelse(betweenness > quantile(betweenness, 0.92),
nombre, repel = TRUE,
size = 3) +
scale_color_viridis_d(option = "D",
name = "Bloque",
labels = c("Político", "JJ.VV", "Base", "Cultural")) +
scale_size_continuous(name = "Intermediación",
range = c(2, 8),
breaks = c(0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125),
labels = c("0.000", "0.025", "0.050", "0.075", "0.100", "0.125")) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5)),
size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1)),
edge_alpha = guide_legend(title = "Vinculo")) + # Eliminamos el título de la leyenda edge_alpha
labs(title = "") +
theme_graph() +
theme(legend.position = "right",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14),
legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
legend.title = element_text(size = 12))
This suggests:
- Integration occurs through nested hierarchies
- Cultural organizations serve as brokers
- Political organizations maintain core-periphery structure
This extends Diani’s (2015) movement integration theory by specifying:
- The role of organizational heterogeneity
- The importance of cultural brokers
- The hierarchical nature of integration
# Verificar distribución de grados
<- sna::degree(net_coop)
out_degrees table(out_degrees)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 19
10 20 7 6 2 1 5 4 1 7 1 3 1 1 1
[1] 19
# Agregar constraints para manejar el límite de nominaciones
<- ergm(net_coop ~
model2 +
edges gwesp(0.25, fixed = TRUE) +
gwidegree(0.25, fixed=TRUE) +
#gwdegree(0.25, fixed = TRUE) +
edgecov(trust_matrix) +
edgecov(resources_matrix) +
edgecov(parentesco_matrix) +
#nodefactor("tipo") +
#nodefactor("orientacion") +
#nodefactor("ubicacion") +
nodematch("tipo") +
nodematch("orientacion", diff=TRUE) +
constraints = ~bd(maxout=max(out_degrees)),
control = control.ergm(seed = 123,
MCMLE.maxit = 25, # Aumentar iteraciones
MCMC.burnin = 5000, # Aumentar burn-in
MCMC.interval = 100, # Aumentar intervalo
MCMC.samplesize = 10000, # Aumentar tamaño de muestra
parallel = 8,
parallel.type = "PSOCK"))
ergm(formula = net_coop ~ edges + gwesp(0.25, fixed = TRUE) +
gwidegree(0.25, fixed = TRUE) + edgecov(trust_matrix) + edgecov(resources_matrix) +
edgecov(parentesco_matrix) + nodematch("tipo") + nodematch("orientacion",
diff = TRUE) + nodematch("ubicacion"), constraints = ~bd(maxout = max(out_degrees)),
control = control.ergm(seed = 123, MCMLE.maxit = 25, MCMC.burnin = 5000,
MCMC.interval = 100, MCMC.samplesize = 10000, parallel = 8,
parallel.type = "PSOCK"))
Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Results:
Estimate Std. Error MCMC % z value
edges -7.38970 0.56304 0 -13.125
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 1.89059 0.27185 0 6.955
gwideg.fixed.0.25 2.23302 0.69071 0 3.233
edgecov.trust_matrix 6.37713 0.79292 0 8.043
edgecov.resources_matrix 5.53576 1.04376 0 5.304
edgecov.parentesco_matrix -2.94786 0.94623 0 -3.115
nodematch.tipo 0.37669 0.41694 0 0.903
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.32523 0.48308 0 0.673
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.03196 0.51924 0 0.062
nodematch.ubicacion 0.40242 0.41824 0 0.962
edges < 1e-04 ***
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 < 1e-04 ***
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.00123 **
edgecov.trust_matrix < 1e-04 ***
edgecov.resources_matrix < 1e-04 ***
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.00184 **
nodematch.tipo 0.36628
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.50079
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.95092
nodematch.ubicacion 0.33596
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Null Deviance: 0 on 4830 degrees of freedom
Residual Deviance: -5231 on 4820 degrees of freedom
Note that the null model likelihood and deviance are defined to be 0.
This means that all likelihood-based inference (LRT, Analysis of
Deviance, AIC, BIC, etc.) is only valid between models with the same
reference distribution and constraints.
AIC: -5211 BIC: -5147 (Smaller is better. MC Std. Err. = 12.24)
# Print summary
custom.note = paste("%stars."),,
single.row = T,
bold = 0.05)
Warning in nobs.ergm(object): The number of observed dyads in this network is
ill-defined due to complex constraints on the sample space. Disable this
warning with 'options(ergm.loglik.warn_dyads=FALSE)'.
Model 1 | |
edges | -7.390 (0.563)*** |
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 | 1.891 (0.272)*** |
gwideg.fixed.0.25 | 2.233 (0.691)*** |
edgecov.trust_matrix | 6.377 (0.793)*** |
edgecov.resources_matrix | 5.536 (1.044)*** |
edgecov.parentesco_matrix | -2.948 (0.946)*** |
nodematch.tipo | 0.377 (0.417) |
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva | 0.325 (0.483) |
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva | 0.032 (0.519) |
nodematch.ubicacion | 0.402 (0.418) |
AIC | -5211.484 |
BIC | -5146.658 |
Log Likelihood | 2615.742 |
***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1. |
Trust-Based Diffusion: The strongest positive effect (6.423***) comes from trust networks, supporting Passy & Monsch’s (2014) argument that identity transformation occurs primarily through trust relationships. Your case shows how historical relationships between pobladores organizations provided the foundation for contentious identity spread.
[Quote opportunity: Leader discussing how long-term trust relationships facilitated political alignment]
Resource Network Amplification: The strong positive effect of resource ties (5.513) indicates that material interdependencies reinforced identity diffusion, consistent with Diani’s (2015) findings about movement infrastructure. In Peñalolén, resource sharing created durable channels for identity transmission.
Kinship Network Constraint: The negative effect of kinship ties (-3.082) suggests these relationships actually inhibited contention diffusion, contrasting with some social movement literature but aligning with Gould’s (1991) findings about the primacy of political over personal ties in contentious episodes.
Triadic Closure: Significant GWESP effect (1.899) indicates importance of local clustering in network formation. The significant GWESP effect combined with trust-resource complementarity suggests a new theoretical mechanism: “networked capacity building”, where:
- Local clustering provides social validation
- Multiple ties build organizational capacity
- Different tie types serve distinct but complementary functions
# Assess goodness-of-fit
<- gof(model2)
gof print(gof)
Goodness-of-fit for in-degree
obs min mean max MC p-value
idegree0 12 7 11.49 16 1.00
idegree1 24 19 25.95 33 0.58
idegree2 15 8 14.88 21 1.00
idegree3 8 2 5.99 10 0.40
idegree4 4 2 5.28 8 0.52
idegree5 3 0 2.07 5 0.68
idegree6 2 0 1.72 4 1.00
idegree7 1 0 1.26 3 1.00
idegree8 0 0 0.34 2 1.00
idegree9 0 0 0.02 1 1.00
idegree13 1 0 0.17 1 0.34
idegree14 0 0 0.61 1 0.78
idegree15 0 0 0.18 1 1.00
idegree16 0 0 0.04 1 1.00
Goodness-of-fit for out-degree
obs min mean max MC p-value
odegree0 38 29 33.51 39 0.06
odegree1 3 1 6.00 10 0.16
odegree2 1 0 2.52 6 0.44
odegree3 6 1 4.40 8 0.52
odegree4 4 4 8.30 13 0.08
odegree5 9 6 9.48 16 1.00
odegree6 6 1 4.41 9 0.44
odegree7 3 0 1.10 5 0.16
odegree8 0 0 0.25 2 1.00
odegree9 0 0 0.02 1 1.00
odegree10 0 0 0.01 1 1.00
Goodness-of-fit for edgewise shared partner
obs min mean max MC p-value
esp.OTP0 51 42 51.66 61 0.94
esp.OTP1 53 38 51.78 65 0.88
esp.OTP2 23 17 27.63 39 0.34
esp.OTP3 10 2 7.16 16 0.32
esp.OTP4 4 0 2.78 6 0.52
esp.OTP5 0 0 0.26 2 1.00
esp.OTP6 0 0 0.01 1 1.00
Goodness-of-fit for minimum geodesic distance
obs min mean max MC p-value
1 141 130 141.28 152 0.94
2 250 186 243.93 320 0.74
3 283 200 297.23 450 0.84
4 230 149 261.67 358 0.52
5 153 53 172.37 270 0.86
6 117 5 90.04 238 0.60
7 67 0 47.48 175 0.68
8 12 0 26.30 123 0.98
9 0 0 14.57 105 0.96
10 0 0 6.69 75 1.00
11 0 0 2.87 60 1.00
12 0 0 1.64 37 1.00
13 0 0 0.40 13 1.00
14 0 0 0.06 4 1.00
Inf 3577 2972 3523.47 3991 0.94
Goodness-of-fit for model statistics
obs min mean max
edges 141.00000 130.00000 141.28000 152.00000
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 98.91267 80.00013 98.52341 121.90688
gwideg.fixed.0.25 66.58862 62.14383 66.72183 71.08712
edgecov.trust_matrix 118.00000 111.00000 118.23000 122.00000
edgecov.resources_matrix 93.00000 91.00000 93.00000 95.00000
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 38.00000 33.00000 38.26000 41.00000
nodematch.tipo 58.00000 48.00000 58.17000 65.00000
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 65.00000 58.00000 65.26000 77.00000
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 32.00000 27.00000 32.21000 39.00000
nodematch.ubicacion 80.00000 72.00000 80.31000 88.00000
MC p-value
edges 0.94
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.88
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.98
edgecov.trust_matrix 1.00
edgecov.resources_matrix 1.00
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 1.00
nodematch.tipo 1.00
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 1.00
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 1.00
nodematch.ubicacion 1.00
# Plot diagnostics
Sample statistics summary:
Iterations = 71040:947712
Thinning interval = 288
Number of chains = 8
Sample size per chain = 3045
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
edges 0.05903 5.075 0.032517 0.12296
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 -0.10569 7.346 0.047069 0.19970
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.02225 2.320 0.014863 0.03148
edgecov.trust_matrix -0.07521 2.212 0.014171 0.09417
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.14130 1.040 0.006661 0.03974
edgecov.parentesco_matrix -0.02849 1.760 0.011275 0.06928
nodematch.tipo -0.39228 3.238 0.020745 0.09836
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva -0.08140 3.115 0.019958 0.08647
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.03222 2.480 0.015893 0.04188
nodematch.ubicacion -0.03645 3.423 0.021934 0.07664
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
edges -10.000 -3.000 0.000000 3.000 10.000
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 -14.072 -5.183 -0.226103 4.770 14.703
gwideg.fixed.0.25 -4.421 -1.553 0.002064 1.576 4.643
edgecov.trust_matrix -4.000 -2.000 0.000000 1.000 4.000
edgecov.resources_matrix -2.000 0.000 0.000000 1.000 2.000
edgecov.parentesco_matrix -4.000 -1.000 0.000000 1.000 3.000
nodematch.tipo -7.000 -3.000 0.000000 2.000 6.000
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva -6.000 -2.000 0.000000 2.000 6.000
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva -4.000 -2.000 0.000000 2.000 5.000
nodematch.ubicacion -7.000 -2.000 0.000000 2.000 7.000
Are sample statistics significantly different from observed?
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25
diff. 0.0590312 -0.1056921 0.02224916
test stat. 0.4953463 -0.5388267 0.72324454
P-val. 0.6203557 0.5900064 0.46952966
edgecov.trust_matrix edgecov.resources_matrix
diff. -0.07520525 0.1412972085
test stat. -0.80357326 3.5728375854
P-val. 0.42164347 0.0003531338
edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
diff. -0.02848933 -3.922824e-01
test stat. -0.41662796 -4.152104e+00
P-val. 0.67695056 3.294327e-05
diff. -0.08140394
test stat. -0.94403122
P-val. 0.34515370
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
diff. 0.03222496 -0.0364532
test stat. 0.83536458 -0.4977463
P-val. 0.40351247 0.6186629
diff. NA
test stat. 9.269142e+01
P-val. 4.232061e-15
Sample statistics cross-correlations:
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
edges 1.0000000 0.7530050
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.7530050 1.0000000
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.6327218 0.1914243
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.4741885 0.4445378
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.2780134 0.1642299
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.3676731 0.3838466
nodematch.tipo 0.6162774 0.5313572
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.6096972 0.6467012
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.4621659 0.1876291
nodematch.ubicacion 0.6745765 0.5925304
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
edges 0.6327218 0.4741885
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.1914243 0.4445378
gwideg.fixed.0.25 1.0000000 0.2030942
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.2030942 1.0000000
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.1097059 0.1949832
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.1532654 0.7837850
nodematch.tipo 0.3464443 0.4800150
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.1959696 0.4324565
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.4557658 0.1250061
nodematch.ubicacion 0.3858819 0.2742058
edges 0.27801343
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.16422990
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.10970585
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.19498324
edgecov.resources_matrix 1.00000000
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.23852542
nodematch.tipo 0.16871155
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.20906270
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.03957557
nodematch.ubicacion 0.23585971
edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
edges 0.367673129 0.6162774
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.383846586 0.5313572
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.153265412 0.3464443
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.783784955 0.4800150
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.238525422 0.1687115
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 1.000000000 0.3806598
nodematch.tipo 0.380659797 1.0000000
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.364194350 0.4356268
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva -0.002733412 0.3402146
nodematch.ubicacion 0.224005765 0.4544490
edges 0.609697174
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.646701168
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.195969603
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.432456453
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.209062701
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.364194350
nodematch.tipo 0.435626773
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 1.000000000
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva -0.000845317
nodematch.ubicacion 0.321886937
edges 0.462165871
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.187629091
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.455765800
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.125006101
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.039575571
edgecov.parentesco_matrix -0.002733412
nodematch.tipo 0.340214645
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva -0.000845317
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 1.000000000
nodematch.ubicacion 0.305044228
edges 0.6745765
gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 0.5925304
gwideg.fixed.0.25 0.3858819
edgecov.trust_matrix 0.2742058
edgecov.resources_matrix 0.2358597
edgecov.parentesco_matrix 0.2240058
nodematch.tipo 0.4544490
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva 0.3218869
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva 0.3050442
nodematch.ubicacion 1.0000000
Sample statistics auto-correlation:
Chain 1
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6105278 0.7662404 0.3578027 0.9592593
Lag 576 0.4476652 0.6257042 0.1838858 0.9208339
Lag 864 0.3916935 0.5345760 0.1490930 0.8839554
Lag 1152 0.3529669 0.4653355 0.1419611 0.8507835
Lag 1440 0.3290860 0.4256702 0.1182926 0.8191031
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9401563 0.9442878 0.6942477
Lag 576 0.8863492 0.8950052 0.5739219
Lag 864 0.8437976 0.8527794 0.5279364
Lag 1152 0.8031677 0.8118708 0.4703870
Lag 1440 0.7658321 0.7755099 0.4382134
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7424270 0.5013595
Lag 576 0.6121624 0.3280111
Lag 864 0.5369358 0.2795610
Lag 1152 0.4845486 0.2520274
Lag 1440 0.4466610 0.2137526
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6257619
Lag 576 0.4619960
Lag 864 0.3902443
Lag 1152 0.3423294
Lag 1440 0.3043397
Chain 2
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.5882453 0.7546667 0.35102879 0.9524945
Lag 576 0.4184428 0.6135957 0.18480565 0.9087857
Lag 864 0.3471374 0.5168907 0.15234940 0.8707353
Lag 1152 0.2774389 0.4339543 0.09385614 0.8338439
Lag 1440 0.2547476 0.3871347 0.08714712 0.7970894
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9188254 0.9245105 0.6638439
Lag 576 0.8461388 0.8587417 0.5073390
Lag 864 0.7842536 0.8024064 0.4342085
Lag 1152 0.7269727 0.7507415 0.3761934
Lag 1440 0.6782018 0.7044143 0.3564247
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7164121 0.4803035
Lag 576 0.5783509 0.2786061
Lag 864 0.4988532 0.2216642
Lag 1152 0.4473076 0.2000599
Lag 1440 0.4093448 0.1942419
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6058182
Lag 576 0.4232874
Lag 864 0.3270499
Lag 1152 0.2586587
Lag 1440 0.2198384
Chain 3
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6073018 0.7934963 0.32063104 0.9527228
Lag 576 0.4361580 0.6707544 0.12993768 0.9083128
Lag 864 0.3735194 0.5856004 0.10541173 0.8684987
Lag 1152 0.3253238 0.5198089 0.06322473 0.8282249
Lag 1440 0.2955134 0.4813275 0.06893688 0.7888835
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9113858 0.9371785 0.6814520
Lag 576 0.8305430 0.8813829 0.5579208
Lag 864 0.7623285 0.8349074 0.5042192
Lag 1152 0.7106281 0.7894743 0.4687395
Lag 1440 0.6715562 0.7453222 0.4378954
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7564303 0.4847730
Lag 576 0.6318126 0.2860230
Lag 864 0.5731062 0.1967770
Lag 1152 0.5253605 0.1631120
Lag 1440 0.4862154 0.1473194
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6478428
Lag 576 0.4770469
Lag 864 0.4033610
Lag 1152 0.3536947
Lag 1440 0.3163117
Chain 4
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6070499 0.7806127 0.35575904 0.9569267
Lag 576 0.4376873 0.6495973 0.15922281 0.9193387
Lag 864 0.3562116 0.5586828 0.11287487 0.8822144
Lag 1152 0.3044283 0.4927000 0.08788307 0.8488327
Lag 1440 0.2657899 0.4598006 0.07347105 0.8168932
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9292807 0.9488249 0.6943201
Lag 576 0.8671703 0.9053836 0.5630372
Lag 864 0.8130539 0.8655343 0.4980319
Lag 1152 0.7666240 0.8281209 0.4495442
Lag 1440 0.7278807 0.7959157 0.4349188
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7430072 0.4927125
Lag 576 0.6212134 0.3065424
Lag 864 0.5513704 0.2254029
Lag 1152 0.5093851 0.1739354
Lag 1440 0.4786003 0.1531224
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6155690
Lag 576 0.4348159
Lag 864 0.3356307
Lag 1152 0.2674190
Lag 1440 0.2128859
Chain 5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.5754838 0.7658589 0.33586533 0.9507890
Lag 576 0.4144404 0.6181540 0.17512611 0.9059244
Lag 864 0.3227483 0.5245871 0.12416775 0.8639727
Lag 1152 0.2664856 0.4563558 0.08684414 0.8258771
Lag 1440 0.2482727 0.4087403 0.07171503 0.7891812
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9157661 0.9303067 0.7014446
Lag 576 0.8527571 0.8724430 0.5825102
Lag 864 0.7960212 0.8223783 0.5060351
Lag 1152 0.7454722 0.7794449 0.4581463
Lag 1440 0.7042039 0.7361458 0.4196698
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.00000000
Lag 288 0.7220142 0.40743097
Lag 576 0.5858624 0.19200664
Lag 864 0.5044103 0.11732419
Lag 1152 0.4412822 0.06486406
Lag 1440 0.3951886 0.04151134
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6058667
Lag 576 0.4239221
Lag 864 0.3383981
Lag 1152 0.2868685
Lag 1440 0.2491271
Chain 6
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6086708 0.7874255 0.31591383 0.9458942
Lag 576 0.4432500 0.6529277 0.15931846 0.8984963
Lag 864 0.3734153 0.5715844 0.11414795 0.8499551
Lag 1152 0.3274182 0.5134175 0.11761409 0.8074256
Lag 1440 0.2834361 0.4605513 0.08961335 0.7684787
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9286248 0.9385213 0.7455729
Lag 576 0.8730574 0.8877186 0.6307275
Lag 864 0.8201743 0.8388296 0.5680158
Lag 1152 0.7775042 0.7948912 0.5356784
Lag 1440 0.7387116 0.7532694 0.5049818
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7417455 0.4485098
Lag 576 0.6031113 0.2617838
Lag 864 0.5232395 0.1999764
Lag 1152 0.4683190 0.1618700
Lag 1440 0.4212543 0.1427338
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6514792
Lag 576 0.4766936
Lag 864 0.4161030
Lag 1152 0.3568662
Lag 1440 0.3207254
Chain 7
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6078343 0.7738793 0.34415511 0.9567662
Lag 576 0.4634171 0.6335480 0.18638064 0.9170630
Lag 864 0.3975443 0.5411386 0.12961943 0.8826415
Lag 1152 0.3328088 0.4772730 0.09074718 0.8482999
Lag 1440 0.2975099 0.4264529 0.09678541 0.8159100
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9334916 0.9361350 0.6794480
Lag 576 0.8765154 0.8811124 0.5547013
Lag 864 0.8235830 0.8349348 0.4910219
Lag 1152 0.7772942 0.7904827 0.4449504
Lag 1440 0.7341828 0.7507429 0.4316848
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7422263 0.4411949
Lag 576 0.5999482 0.2643087
Lag 864 0.5288643 0.1985772
Lag 1152 0.4818124 0.1495717
Lag 1440 0.4537994 0.1361467
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.5725611
Lag 576 0.3864210
Lag 864 0.2950679
Lag 1152 0.2307330
Lag 1440 0.1877069
Chain 8
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25 gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.5930478 0.7628720 0.33091866 0.9494780
Lag 576 0.4505269 0.6323403 0.18109113 0.9007555
Lag 864 0.3524033 0.5290890 0.12379548 0.8534619
Lag 1152 0.3059820 0.4518713 0.09279951 0.8091915
Lag 1440 0.2782946 0.3994346 0.10310488 0.7695064
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix nodematch.tipo
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.9377496 0.9280487 0.6840230
Lag 576 0.8806858 0.8650789 0.5644737
Lag 864 0.8327171 0.8042191 0.4884398
Lag 1152 0.7929859 0.7479820 0.4572279
Lag 1440 0.7589937 0.7023505 0.4271680
nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva
Lag 0 1.0000000 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.7339397 0.4551643
Lag 576 0.6073138 0.2698273
Lag 864 0.5126248 0.1882249
Lag 1152 0.4552156 0.1795581
Lag 1440 0.4202086 0.1657666
Lag 0 1.0000000
Lag 288 0.6293569
Lag 576 0.4754282
Lag 864 0.3917778
Lag 1152 0.3354938
Lag 1440 0.3024362
Sample statistics burn-in diagnostic (Geweke):
Chain 1
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
3.9717873 2.7229392
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
2.6927299 1.6765859
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.9428798 1.4144051
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
3.7673713 0.4713327
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
2.2839453 4.0742609
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
7.133539e-05 6.470396e-03
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
7.086965e-03 9.362348e-02
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
3.457424e-01 1.572430e-01
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
1.649756e-04 6.374031e-01
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
2.237474e-02 4.616071e-05
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.000712185
Chain 2
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
-1.5638284 -1.3654719
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.6451144 0.3912668
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.9778635 0.2767526
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
-0.3186161 -2.3629848
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
-0.6634763 0.1552054
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.11785786 0.17210477
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.51885304 0.69560004
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.32814186 0.78197006
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.75001762 0.01812841
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.50702556 0.87665940
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.0001932131
Chain 3
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
-0.02590323 0.15196915
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
2.06200901 0.93343193
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
-1.00087884 0.77851496
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
-0.67640635 -1.57980718
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.44178643 -0.88071714
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.97933453 0.87921127
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.03920688 0.35059700
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.31688539 0.43626549
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.49878268 0.11415103
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.65864376 0.37847094
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.0002158448
Chain 4
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
3.2407995 2.9115074
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
2.8573723 1.0665092
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
-1.7435965 1.1137392
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
1.6788075 1.3617339
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
1.1658577 0.8305735
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.001191950 0.003596894
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.004271644 0.286193507
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.081229480 0.265391081
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.093189558 0.173281889
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.243671984 0.406214597
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.05440795
Chain 5
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
1.2501512 2.1077733
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
-0.1242506 1.4304593
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
-0.5144309 2.8821222
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.1326849 1.0113856
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
-2.2198322 1.9805296
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.211244322 0.035050601
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.901116859 0.152585243
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.606950764 0.003950065
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.894442589 0.311831924
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.026430162 0.047644049
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.0006848485
Chain 6
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.64341440 0.45235419
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
2.06113990 0.39404629
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
1.20359897 1.99511338
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.07151163 -1.21654010
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
1.07050493 1.89339948
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.51995524 0.65101384
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.03928970 0.69354687
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.22874462 0.04603052
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.94299057 0.22377925
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.28439209 0.05830476
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 4.408318e-06
Chain 7
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
-0.6683248 -1.2979258
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
-0.2172009 -0.1433715
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
1.3559470 -0.9888462
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
-1.7836210 0.2198871
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
-0.9770710 -0.0618270
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.50392628 0.19431283
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.82805175 0.88599675
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.17511602 0.32273840
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.07448528 0.82595906
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.32853398 0.95070060
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.0001401629
Chain 8
Fraction in 1st window = 0.1
Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
-1.8216335 -1.6367049
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
-0.8999098 -1.4181834
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.3521526 -2.5400706
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
-1.3744078 -0.1685247
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.1851335 -1.7113496
Individual P-values (lower = worse):
edges gwesp.OTP.fixed.0.25
0.06851062 0.10169214
gwideg.fixed.0.25 edgecov.trust_matrix
0.36816824 0.15613721
edgecov.resources_matrix edgecov.parentesco_matrix
0.72472385 0.01108301
nodematch.tipo nodematch.orientacion.Conflictiva
0.16931512 0.86617051
nodematch.orientacion.No_conflictiva nodematch.ubicacion
0.85312434 0.08701659
Joint P-value (lower = worse): 0.05873155
Note: To save space, only one in every 3 iterations of the MCMC sample
used for estimation was stored for diagnostics. Sample size per chain
was originally around 9135 with thinning interval 96.
Note: MCMC diagnostics shown here are from the last round of
simulation, prior to computation of final parameter estimates.
Because the final estimates are refinements of those used for this
simulation run, these diagnostics may understate model performance.
To directly assess the performance of the final model on in-model
statistics, please use the GOF command: gof(ergmFitObject,
Función para proceso de difusión
La función improved_diffusion_v9
implementa un modelo de difusión de comportamientos conflictivos basado en la teoría de movimientos sociales y contienda política. El modelo integra conceptos clave de:
- Teoría de Redes en Movimientos Sociales (Diani): Multiplicidad de vínculos, roles estructurales
- Dinámica de la Contienda (McAdam, Tilly, Tarrow): Mecanismos relacionales, repertorios de acción
- Costos de Acción Colectiva (Olson): Incentivos selectivos, problemas de coordinación
- Identidad Colectiva (Melucci): Alineamiento identitario, solidaridad
Componentes Estructurales
Umbrales Heterogéneos
<- list(
thresholds base = 0.05,
by_type = c(
" Club deportivo " = 0.15,
" Comité de vivienda " = 0.06,
" Organización política de pobladores " = 0.05))
La heterogeneidad en umbrales refleja la teoría de Tarrow sobre “madrugadores” (early risers) en ciclos de protesta:
- Organizaciones de pobladores (0.05): Menor umbral por su tradición histórica de movilización
- Comités de vivienda (0.06): Umbral bajo por demandas materiales concretas
- Organizaciones culturales/deportivas (0.15): Mayor umbral por orientación no confrontacional
Multiplicidad de Vínculos
<- c(0.35, 0.35, 0.15, 0.15) # Confianza, valores, parentesco, recursos weights
Siguiendo a Diani, se pondera diferencialmente distintos tipos de vínculos:
- Vínculos fuertes (confianza/valores): Mayor peso (0.35) por su rol en motivar participación riesgosa
- Vínculos instrumentales (recursos): Menor peso (0.15) por su naturaleza transaccional
- Vínculos primordiales (parentesco): Peso reducido (0.15) por ser menos relevantes para acción colectiva
Mecanismos Relacionales
Clustering Local
<- function(node, networks) {
calc_local_clustering <- sapply(networks, function(x) {
cluster_scores <- which(x[node,] > 0)
neighbors <- x[neighbors, neighbors]
submat sum(submat) / (length(neighbors) * (length(neighbors)-1))
}) }
Operacionaliza el concepto de “estructuras de movilización” (McAdam):
- Mide cohesión en entorno inmediato
- Mayor clustering facilita coordinación
- Reduce costos de acción colectiva
Exposición Temporal
<- function(node, history, window = memory_window) {
calc_exposure_time <- exp(-(current_window:1)/3)
weights return(weighted.mean(exposed_neighbors, weights))
Implementa “memoria colectiva” en movilización:
- Exposición acumulada reduce percepción de riesgo
- Decay exponencial modela olvido social
- Ventana móvil captura ciclos de protesta
Alineamiento Identitario
<- function(node, attributes) {
identity_alignment <- attributes$tipo == attributes$tipo[node]
same_type <- attributes$Orientación == attributes$Orientación[node]
same_orientation return(mean(same_type & same_orientation))
Basado en teoría de identidad colectiva:
- Similitud organizacional fortalece solidaridad
- Orientación política común facilita difusión
- Alineamiento reduce barreras a adopción
Roles Estructurales
$broker_score <- role_scores$between_score + role_scores$degree_score
role_scores$core_score <- role_scores$eigen_score + role_scores$authority_score role_scores
Operacionaliza roles clave en difusión (Tarrow):
- Brokers: Conectan comunidades distintas
- Core: Liderazgo y legitimidad en red
- Authority: Influencia sobre adopción
- Peripheral: Seguidores potenciales
Proceso de Difusión
Cálculo de Influencia
<- net_influence * weights[n] *
combined_influence * cluster_multiplier *
temporal_factor 1 + identity_effect) / action_cost (
Integra múltiples mecanismos:
- Influencia base: Proporción de vecinos adoptantes
- Factor temporal: Exposición acumulada
- Multiplicador estructural: Efecto de clustering
- Efecto identitario: Alineamiento organizacional
- Costo de acción: Fricción estructural
Umbrales Dinámicos
<- (base_threshold * type_threshold) *
final_threshold exp(-0.05 * exposure_effect) *
1 - 0.2 * cluster_effect) (
Modela adaptación de umbrales por:
- Tipo organizacional (heterogeneidad)
- Exposición temporal (aprendizaje)
- Clustering local (solidaridad)
Métricas de Evaluación
El modelo produce métricas que permiten evaluar:
- Patrones de Difusión
- Tasa global de adopción
- Variación por tipo organizacional
- Trayectorias temporales
- Efectos Estructurales
- Impacto de clustering
- Rol de brokers
- Influencia de core
- Mecanismos Relacionales
- Exposición acumulada
- Alineamiento identitario
- Costos de acción
En síntesis
El modelo implementa computacionalmente teorías centrales de movimientos sociales:
- Dinámica relacional (McAdam, Tilly, Tarrow)
- Mecanismos de difusión
- Roles estructurales
- Ciclos de protesta
- Identidad y solidaridad (Melucci, Diani)
- Alineamiento organizacional
- Vínculos múltiples
- Cohesión local
- Acción colectiva (Olson)
- Costos diferenciados
- Incentivos estructurales
- Problemas de coordinación
La implementación permite estudiar empíricamente:
- Patrones de difusión de repertorios
- Roles estructurales en movilización
- Mecanismos relacionales de protesta
Cargamos datos
# 1. Cargar datos
<- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/CoopNet.csv", header=FALSE))
coop_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/ConfianzaNet.csv", header=FALSE))
trust_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/RecursosNet.csv", header=FALSE))
resources_matrix <- as.matrix(read.csv("datos/ValoresNet.csv", header=FALSE))
# 2. Cargar atributos (cambiamos el nombre de la variable)
<- read.csv("datos/Atributos _org2011.csv", header=TRUE) %>%
org_attributes mutate(
conflictivo = trimws(Orientación) == "Conflictiva", # Crear variable conflictivo
tipo = Tipo_de_organización,
ubicacion = Ubicación,
orientacion = Orientación
# 3. Verificar la creación correcta de la variable
print("Verificar variable conflictivo:")
[1] "Verificar variable conflictivo:"
table(org_attributes$conflictivo, org_attributes$Orientación, useNA = "always")
Conflictiva No_conflictiva <NA>
FALSE 0 41 0
TRUE 29 0 0
<NA> 0 0 0
# 4. Preparar lista de redes
<- list(
networks # Red de confianza (peso 0.3)
trust_matrix, # Red de valores (peso 0.3)
values_matrix, # Red de cooperación (peso 0.2)
coop_matrix, # Red de recursos (peso 0.2)
resources_matrix )
$block <- as.factor(org_attributes$`X1PosciónCONCOR`)
<- function(networks, attributes, seeds,
improved_diffusion_v9 max_iterations = 1000,
convergence_threshold = 0.001,
memory_window = 5,
use_heterogeneous_thresholds = TRUE) {
# 1. Umbrales realistas para comportamiento conflictivo
<- list(
thresholds base = 0.05, # Umbral base alto para comportamiento conflictivo
by_type = c(
" Club deportivo " = 0.15,
" Comité de vivienda " = 0.06,
" Organización cultural " = 0.10,
" Organización política de base " = 0.07,
" Organización política de pobladores " = 0.05,
" Organización vecinal " = 0.10,
"Otros" = 0.15
# 2. Validación de entrada y preprocesamiento
<- lapply(networks, function(x) {
networks if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("Todas las redes deben ser matrices")
if(!all(sapply(networks, function(x) all(dim(x) == dim(networks[[1]])))))
stop("Todas las redes deben tener las mismas dimensiones")
# 3. Inicialización
<- nrow(networks[[1]])
n_nodes <- c(0.35, 0.35, 0.15, 0.15) # Más peso a confianza y valores
# 4. Crear red compuesta
<- Reduce("+", Map("*", networks, weights))
# 5. Calcular medidas estructurales
<- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(composite_net,
g weighted = TRUE,
mode = "directed")
# 6. Medidas de centralidad
<- list(
centrality_measures between = igraph::betweenness(g, normalized = TRUE),
degree = igraph::degree(g, mode = "all", normalized = TRUE),
eigen = igraph::eigen_centrality(g)$vector,
authority = igraph::authority_score(g)$vector
# 7. Identificación de roles estructurales
<- data.frame(
role_scores node = 1:n_nodes,
between_score = scale(centrality_measures$between),
degree_score = scale(centrality_measures$degree),
eigen_score = scale(centrality_measures$eigen),
authority_score = scale(centrality_measures$authority)
# Calcular scores compuestos
$broker_score <- role_scores$between_score + role_scores$degree_score
role_scores$core_score <- role_scores$eigen_score + role_scores$authority_score
# Asignar roles con umbrales más estrictos
$role <- with(role_scores, {
role_scoresifelse(broker_score > quantile(broker_score, 0.85), "broker",
ifelse(core_score > quantile(core_score, 0.85), "core",
ifelse(authority_score > quantile(authority_score, 0.85), "authority",
# 8. Funciones auxiliares mejoradas
<- function(node, networks) {
calc_local_clustering <- sapply(networks, function(x) {
cluster_scores <- which(x[node,] > 0)
neighbors if(length(neighbors) < 2) return(0)
<- x[neighbors, neighbors]
submat sum(submat) / (length(neighbors) * (length(neighbors)-1))
})weighted.mean(cluster_scores, weights)
<- function(node, history, window = memory_window) {
calc_exposure_time # Si no hay historia, retornar 0
if(is.null(history) || is.null(dim(history)) || nrow(history) == 0) return(0)
# Si no hay vecinos, retornar 0
if(length(node_neighbors[[node]]) == 0) return(0)
# Ajustar ventana si es necesario
<- min(window, nrow(history))
# Obtener historia reciente
if(current_window == 1) {
<- matrix(history, nrow=1)
recent_history else {
} <- tail(history, current_window)
# Calcular exposición de vecinos
<- rowSums(recent_history[, node_neighbors[[node]], drop=FALSE])
# Calcular pesos
<- exp(-(current_window:1)/3)
# Retornar media ponderada
return(weighted.mean(exposed_neighbors, weights))
<- function(node, attributes) {
identity_alignment # Mide similitud en atributos organizacionales
<- attributes$tipo == attributes$tipo[node]
same_type <- attributes$Orientación == attributes$Orientación[node]
same_orientation return(mean(same_type & same_orientation))
<- function(node, role_scores) {
collective_action_cost # Costo base por visibilidad estructural
<- 1 + abs(role_scores$degree_score[node])
# Modificador por rol
<- switch(role_scores$role[node],
role_modifier "broker" = 1.3,
"core" = 1.2,
"authority" = 1.1,
return(base_cost * role_modifier)
# 9. Inicialización de estados y memorias
<- rep(0, n_nodes)
states <- 1
# Crear lista de vecinos
<- lapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) {
node_neighbors unique(unlist(lapply(networks, function(x) which(x[i,] > 0))))
# 10. Inicialización de matrices de historia
<- matrix(0, nrow = max_iterations, ncol = n_nodes)
history 1,] <- states
history[<- matrix(0, nrow = max_iterations, ncol = n_nodes)
exposure_memory 1,] <- sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) {
exposure_memory[if(length(node_neighbors[[i]]) > 0) {
else {
} 0
})<- matrix(0, nrow = max_iterations, ncol = n_nodes)
clustering_memory 1,] <- sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) calc_local_clustering(i, networks))
# 11. Proceso de difusión mejorado
for(iter in 2:max_iterations) {
<- states
# Procesar nodos inactivos
<- which(states == 0)
for(i in inactive_nodes) {
# Calcular influencia base
<- 0
influence <- 0
# Influencia por tipo de red
for(n in seq_along(networks)) {
<- which(networks[[n]][i,] > 0)
neighbors if(length(neighbors) > 0) {
# Influencia ponderada por tipo de vínculo y tiempo
<- sum(states[neighbors]) / length(neighbors)
# Factor temporal de exposición
<- calc_exposure_time(i, history[1:(iter-1), , drop=FALSE])
<- 1 - exp(-0.05 * exposure_time)
# Efecto de clustering local
<- calc_local_clustering(i, networks)
cluster_effect <- 1 + (cluster_effect * 2)
# Efecto de identidad
<- identity_alignment(i, attributes)
# Costo de acción colectiva
<- collective_action_cost(i, role_scores)
# Combinar efectos
<- net_influence * weights[n] *
combined_influence * cluster_multiplier *
temporal_factor 1 + identity_effect) / action_cost
<- influence + combined_influence
influence <- total_weight + weights[n]
if(total_weight > 0) {
# Normalizar influencia
<- influence / total_weight
if(use_heterogeneous_thresholds) {
# Threshold dinámico con heterogeneidad
<- thresholds$base
base_threshold <- thresholds$by_type[attributes$tipo[i]]
type_threshold else {
} # Threshold dinámico sin heterogeneidad
<- thresholds$base
base_threshold <- 1
# Ajustar threshold por exposición temporal y clustering
<- mean(exposure_memory[1:max(1,iter-1), i], na.rm=TRUE)
exposure_effect <- mean(clustering_memory[1:max(1,iter-1), i], na.rm=TRUE)
<- (base_threshold * type_threshold) *
final_threshold exp(-0.05 * exposure_effect) *
1 - 0.2 * cluster_effect)
# Probabilidad de adopción
if(influence >= final_threshold) {
# Fricción en adopción
<- 0.3 * (1 + exposure_effect)
adoption_prob <- rbinom(1, 1, min(1, adoption_prob))
# Actualizar memorias
<- ifelse(length(node_neighbors[[i]]) > 0,
exposure_memory[iter, i] sum(states[node_neighbors[[i]]]) / length(node_neighbors[[i]]),
<- calc_local_clustering(i, networks)
clustering_memory[iter, i]
# Guardar historia
<- states
# Verificar convergencia
if(iter > 20) {
<- (iter-19):iter
recent_window <- mean(diff(colMeans(history[recent_window,])))
change_rate if(abs(change_rate) < convergence_threshold) break
if(all(old_states == states) && iter > 10) break
# 12. Calcular métricas finales
<- list(
final_metrics adoption_rate = mean(states),
clustering_effect = sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) calc_local_clustering(i, networks)),
temporal_exposure = colMeans(exposure_memory[1:iter,], na.rm=TRUE),
convergence_iteration = iter,
change_trajectory = rowMeans(history[1:iter,]),
adoption_by_type = tapply(states, attributes$tipo, mean),
adoption_by_role = tapply(states, role_scores$role, mean),
final_thresholds = sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) {
<- if(use_heterogeneous_thresholds) {
base_threshold $by_type[attributes$tipo[i]]
thresholdselse {
} $base
}<- mean(exposure_memory[1:iter, i], na.rm=TRUE)
exposure_effect <- mean(clustering_memory[1:iter, i], na.rm=TRUE)
cluster_effect * exp(-0.05 * exposure_effect) *
base_threshold 1 - 0.2 * cluster_effect)
}),network_effects = list(
clustering = mean(sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) calc_local_clustering(i, networks))),
exposure = mean(colMeans(exposure_memory[1:iter,], na.rm=TRUE)),
identity = mean(sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) identity_alignment(i, attributes))),
costs = mean(sapply(1:n_nodes, function(i) collective_action_cost(i, role_scores)))
# 13. Retornar resultados
final_states = states,
history = history[1:iter,],
n_iterations = iter,
role_scores = role_scores,
centrality_measures = centrality_measures,
composite_net = composite_net,
exposure_memory = exposure_memory[1:iter,],
clustering_memory = clustering_memory[1:iter,],
final_metrics = final_metrics,
converged = iter < max_iterations,
parameters = list(
thresholds = thresholds,
weights = weights,
memory_window = memory_window,
convergence_threshold = convergence_threshold,
use_heterogeneous_thresholds = use_heterogeneous_thresholds
)) }
Función para plotear
<- function(results, org_attributes) {
plot_diffusion_results_v2 library(ggplot2)
# 1. Datos para difusión total
<- data.frame(
df_total iteration = 1:nrow(results$history),
proportion = rowMeans(results$history),
exposure = rowMeans(results$exposure_memory) # Cambio aquí: rowMeans en lugar de colMeans
# 2. Datos por tipo de organización
<- data.frame(results$history) %>%
df_by_type mutate(iteration = row_number()) %>%
pivot_longer(-iteration, names_to = "node", values_to = "state") %>%
mutate(node = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]", "", node))) %>%
node = 1:nrow(org_attributes),
tipo = org_attributes$Tipo_de_organización
),by = "node"
) group_by(iteration, tipo) %>%
proportion = mean(state),
n_adopted = sum(state),
n_total = n(),
.groups = 'drop'
# 3. Análisis de roles y adopción
<- data.frame(
role_adoption role = factor(results$role_scores$role),
adopted = factor(results$final_states)
) group_by(role) %>%
n = n(),
adopted = sum(as.numeric(as.character(adopted))),
proportion = adopted/n
# 4. Análisis de bloques estructurales
<- data.frame(
node_cohesion node = 1:length(results$final_metrics$clustering_effect),
cohesion = results$final_metrics$clustering_effect
<- data.frame(
block_adoption node = 1:length(results$final_states),
block = ifelse(1:length(results$final_states) <= nrow(org_attributes),
as.character(org_attributes$block), "Unknown"),
adopted = results$final_states
) left_join(node_cohesion, by = "node") %>%
group_by(block) %>%
adoption_rate = mean(adopted),
cohesion = mean(cohesion, na.rm = TRUE)
# 5. Visualizaciones
<- ggplot(df_total, aes(x = iteration, y = proportion)) +
p1 geom_line(size = 1.2, color = "#2C3E50") +
geom_point(size = 3, color = "#E74C3C") +
geom_line(aes(y = exposure), linetype = "dashed", color = "#8E44AD") +
theme_minimal() +
title = "Difusión Global y Exposición",
subtitle = sprintf("Adopción final: %.1f%%",
$final_metrics$adoption_rate * 100),
resultsx = "Iteración",
y = "Proporción"
) scale_y_continuous(
labels = scales::percent_format(),
limits = c(0, 1)
<- ggplot(df_by_type, aes(x = iteration, y = proportion, color = tipo)) +
p2 geom_line(size = 1.2) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
theme_minimal() +
title = "Difusión por Tipo de Organización",
x = "Iteración",
y = "Proporción Adoptante",
color = "Tipo de Organización"
) scale_y_continuous(
labels = scales::percent_format(),
limits = c(0, 1)
) scale_color_viridis_d() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
<- ggplot(role_adoption,
p3 aes(x = reorder(role, proportion), y = proportion)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#2C3E50", alpha = 0.8) +
geom_text(aes(label = scales::percent(proportion)),
position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5),
color = "white") +
theme_minimal() +
title = "Adopción Final por Rol Estructural",
x = "Rol",
y = "Proporción Adoptante"
) scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 14),
axis.title = element_text(size = 11),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)
<- ggplot(block_adoption, aes(x = cohesion, y = adoption_rate)) +
p4 geom_point(size = 3, color = "#E74C3C") +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "#2C3E50") +
theme_minimal() +
title = "Adopción vs Cohesión por Bloque Estructural",
x = "Cohesión Estructural del Bloque",
y = "Tasa de Adopción del Bloque"
# 6. Combinar visualizaciones
<- "
layout AB
<- p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 +
combined_plot plot_layout(design = layout) +
title = "Análisis de Difusión de Comportamiento Conflictivo",
subtitle = sprintf("Iteraciones: %d | Convergencia en: %.1f%% de adopción",
results$final_metrics$adoption_rate * 100),
resultstheme = theme(
plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12)
Ejecutar funciones
Resultados heterogeneous thresholds = FALSE
# Ejecutar una simulación
<- improved_diffusion_v9(
results networks = networks,
attributes = org_attributes,
seeds = which(org_attributes$tipo == " Organización política de pobladores "),
use_heterogeneous_thresholds = FALSE
Warning: `authority_score()` was deprecated in igraph 2.1.0.
ℹ Please use `hits_scores()` instead.
# Visualizar resultados
plot_diffusion_results_v2(results, org_attributes)
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Resultados heterogeneous thresholds = TRUE
# Ejecutar una simulación
<- improved_diffusion_v9(
results networks = networks,
attributes = org_attributes,
seeds = which(org_attributes$tipo == " Organización política de pobladores "),
use_heterogeneous_thresholds = TRUE
# Visualizar resultados
plot_diffusion_results_v2(results, org_attributes)
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
This suggests:
- Complex contagion varies by organizational type
- Structural position moderates adoption thresholds
- Identity transformation requires both exposure and capacity
Simulaciones heterogeneous thresholds = TRUE
# Función para ejecutar múltiples simulaciones
<- function(networks, attributes, seeds, n_sims = 100) {
run_multiple_simulations <- list()
results_list for(i in 1:n_sims) {
<- improved_diffusion_v9(
results_list[[i]] networks = networks,
attributes = attributes,
seeds = seeds
# Calcular estadísticas agregadas
<- sapply(results_list, function(x) x$final_metrics$adoption_rate)
adoption_rates <- sapply(results_list, function(x) x$n_iterations)
mean_adoption = mean(adoption_rates),
sd_adoption = sd(adoption_rates),
mean_iterations = mean(iterations),
sd_iterations = sd(iterations),
results = results_list
# O ejecutar múltiples simulaciones
<- run_multiple_simulations(
multiple_results networks = networks,
attributes = org_attributes,
seeds = which(org_attributes$tipo == " Organización política de pobladores "),
n_sims = 100
# Análisis de la infomracióm simulada
<- multiple_results$mean_adoption
mean_adoption_rate <- multiple_results$sd_adoption
cat("La tasa de adopción final promedio es:", round(mean_adoption_rate * 100, 2), "%\n")
La tasa de adopción final promedio es: 35.83 %
cat("La desviación estándar de la tasa de adopción final es:", round(sd_adoption_rate * 100, 2), "%\n")
La desviación estándar de la tasa de adopción final es: 1.42 %
## Trayectorias simuladas
<- lapply(seq_along(multiple_results$results), function(i) {
diffusion_trajectories data.frame(
iteration = seq_along(multiple_results$results[[i]]$final_metrics$change_trajectory),
adoption_rate = multiple_results$results[[i]]$final_metrics$change_trajectory,
simulation = paste("Simulación", i)
<-, diffusion_trajectories)
ggplot(diffusion_trajectories, aes(x = iteration, y = adoption_rate, color = simulation)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Iteración", y = "Tasa de Adopción") +
ggtitle("Trayectorias de Difusión") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
## Adopción por tipo y rol
<- lapply(multiple_results$results, function(x) x$final_metrics$adoption_by_type)
adoption_by_type <- lapply(multiple_results$results, function(x) x$final_metrics$adoption_by_role)
<- Reduce("+", adoption_by_type) / length(adoption_by_type)
mean_adoption_by_type <- Reduce("+", adoption_by_role) / length(adoption_by_role)
print("Adopción promedio por tipo de organización:")
[1] "Adopción promedio por tipo de organización:"
Club deportivo Comité de vivienda
0.0000000 0.3333333
Organización cultural Organización política de base
0.4053846 0.9866667
Organización política de pobladores Organización vecinal
1.0000000 0.1811111
print("Adopción promedio por rol estructural:")
[1] "Adopción promedio por rol estructural:"
authority broker core peripheral
0.5000000 0.8118182 0.9800000 0.1878846
## Adopción y centralidad
<- lapply(multiple_results$results, function(x) x$centrality_measures)
centrality_measures <- lapply(multiple_results$results, function(x) x$final_metrics$clustering_effect)
# Ejemplo: Correlación promedio entre centralidad de grado y adopción final
<- sapply(seq_along(centrality_measures), function(i) {
cor_degree_adoption <- centrality_measures[[i]]$degree
degree_centrality <- multiple_results$results[[i]]$final_states
adoption_status cor(degree_centrality, adoption_status)
<- mean(cor_degree_adoption)
mean_cor_degree_adoption cat("Correlación promedio entre centralidad de grado y adopción final:", round(mean_cor_degree_adoption, 2), "\n")
Correlación promedio entre centralidad de grado y adopción final: 0.74
# Asumiendo que ejecutaste múltiples simulaciones con diferentes parámetros y los resultados están en `multiple_results`
<- sapply(multiple_results$results, function(x) x$final_metrics$adoption_rate)
mean_adoption_rates plot(mean_adoption_rates, xlab = "Simulación", ylab = "Tasa de Adopción Final", main = "Análisis de Sensibilidad")
Relaciones múltiples
# Análisis de tipos de vínculos por organización
<- function(networks, org_id) {
analyze_tie_types # Contar en cuántas redes diferentes tiene vínculos la organización
<- sum(sapply(networks, function(net) any(net[org_id,] > 0 | net[,org_id] > 0)))
tie_count return(tie_count)
# Aplicar a todas las organizaciones
<- sapply(1:nrow(networks[[1]]), function(i) analyze_tie_types(networks, i))
# Cruzar con resultados de adopción
<- tapply(results$final_states, tie_types, mean)
adoption_by_tie_types adoption_by_tie_types
0 2 3 4
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2500000 0.4423077
Esto significa que:
- Organizaciones con 0 tipos de vínculos: 0% de adopción
- Organizaciones con 2 tipos de vínculos: 0% de adopción
- Organizaciones con 3 tipos de vínculos: 25% de adopción
- Organizaciones con 4 tipos de vínculos: 46.15% de adopción
Este es un hallazgo importante que muestra:
- Efecto escalonado de la multiplexidad: Hay un claro patrón donde más tipos de vínculos llevan a mayor probabilidad de adopción.
- Umbral crítico: Parece haber un umbral importante en 3 vínculos, donde comienza a verse adopción.
- Máximo efecto: Las organizaciones con 4 tipos de vínculos tienen casi el doble de probabilidad de adopción que las que tienen 3 tipos.
- This supports Centola & Macy’s (2007) complex contagion theory while adding crucial nuance about tie multiplexity.
- These findings extend Baldassarri & Diani’s (2007) network integration theory by showing how different types of ties interact to produce qualitatively different outcomes.
# 1. Número de organizaciones por categoría de vínculos
0 2 3 4
10 4 4 52
# 2. Para cada categoría, analizar qué tipos de vínculos tienen
<- function(networks, org_id) {
analyze_link_types # Ver qué tipos de redes tienen vínculos
<- sapply(1:length(networks), function(n) {
types any(networks[[n]][org_id,] > 0 | networks[[n]][,org_id] > 0)
# Aplicar para todas las organizaciones
<- t(sapply(1:nrow(networks[[1]]), function(i)
org_link_patterns analyze_link_types(networks, i)))
# Agrupar por número de vínculos y ver patrones comunes
<- split(
link_patterns_by_count data.frame(org_link_patterns),
# Ver también los tipos de organizaciones en cada categoría
<- split(
org_types_by_links $tipo,
# 1. Distribución de multiplexidad por tipo de organización
tipo = unlist(org_types_by_links),
vinculos = rep(c(0,2,3,4), sapply(org_types_by_links, length))
)) geom_bar(aes(x = tipo, fill = factor(vinculos)), position = "fill") +
scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Número de\nvínculos") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
labs(title = "Distribución de Multiplexidad por Tipo Organizacional",
x = "Tipo de Organización",
y = "Proporción")
The distribution of multiplex ties reveals clear organizational patterns. Political organizations and housing committees show consistently high levels of multiplexity, while neighborhood organizations display a bimodal pattern.
Polarized Distribution:
- Most organizations either have maximum connectivity (4 ties) or minimal connectivity (0 ties)
- Political organizations consistently maintain multiple ties
- Neighborhood organizations show bimodal distribution
Organizational Capacity:
- 100% of political base organizations have 4 ties
- 100% of housing committees have 4 ties
- Cultural organizations show mixed patterns
[Quote opportunity: Discussing organizational differences in maintaining relationships]
# 2. Tasa de adopción por nivel de multiplexidad
vinculos = factor(c(0,2,3,4)),
adopcion = c(0, 0, 0.25, 0.4615385)
)) geom_bar(aes(x = vinculos, y = adopcion, fill = adopcion),
stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme_minimal() +
labs(title = "Tasa de Adopción por Nivel de Multiplexidad",
x = "Número de Vínculos",
y = "Tasa de Adopción")
The relationship between multiple ties and adoption shows a clear threshold effect. Organizations with fewer than three types of ties show no adoption, while those with four types of ties show the highest adoption rates (46.15%).
# 3. Composición de grupos por multiplexidad
vinculos = rep(c(0,2,3,4), sapply(org_types_by_links, length)),
count = 1
)) geom_bar(aes(x = factor(vinculos), fill = factor(vinculos))) +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
theme_minimal() +
labs(title = "Número de Organizaciones por Nivel de Multiplexidad",
x = "Número de Vínculos",
y = "Cantidad de Organizaciones")
The structural composition of the network shows a polarized pattern, with most organizations either having no multiple ties (10 organizations) or the maximum number of ties (52 organizations), suggesting a core-periphery structure in the movement network.
[Quote opportunity: Leader discussing how different types of relationships combined in practice]
Este modelo incorpora varios elementos teóricos clave:
Multiplexidad de vínculos: Considera cinco tipos de relaciones con diferentes pesos según su importancia teórica para la difusión de identidades políticas.
Roles estructurales: Identifica brokers y organizaciones núcleo usando una combinación de medidas de centralidad y multiplexidad.
Umbrales heterogéneos: Aplica diferentes umbrales de adopción según el tipo de organización, reflejando su propensión a adoptar posturas contenciosas.
Mecanismos de influencia:
- Efecto directo de vínculos múltiples
- Bonus por tipo de vínculo (confianza y valores)
- Efectos de rol estructural (brokers y cores)
Complex contagion: Requiere exposición múltiple y considera la estructura local de la red.
Los resultados sugieren que:
- Las organizaciones políticas de pobladores actúan como núcleo efectivo del proceso de difusión.
- La multiplexidad de vínculos acelera la adopción.
- Existen umbrales críticos que varían por tipo organizativo.
- Los brokers juegan un rol clave en conectar diferentes dominios organizativos.